Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Canada Blooms Jully Black - First Design Ideas

The 2011 Canada Blooms show featured gardens with the theme of the JUNO awards as tribute to the 40th anniversary of the award itself. This garden was designed in collaboration with Juno award winning artist Jully Black.

When we were first approached by the organizers of Canada Blooms to design one of the 5 JUNO Rocks Garden, we thought; this sounds interesting. We agreed to it and waited with anticipation to see which Juno award winner we would represent. We were pleased and excited to find out that we were representing the incomparable Jully Black.

In our first phone discussion with Jully we tried to understand what she would like to represent with her Juno Rocks Garden and what message she would like to get to her audience and the visitors of Canada Blooms. She also mentioned 2 songs which are very dear to; 'Running' and 'I travelled'.

Based on this phone conversation with Jully and some research, we started to do our part of the job. From the beginning we felt that the music video 'Running" holds a wonderful power and serves as a great medium to get Jully's message out. Not only through the music and lyrics but as well through the strong visuals. At once we decided that 'Running' was the perfect song to celebrate Jully in our Garden, the design took shape. 

The black and white colour scheme of 'running' with it's little colourful splashes of turquoise, pink, purple and blue was ideal to pick up in the garden design. the black scarf blowing in the wind in Jully's video is picked up in our design by a mural wall paint emerging into a black sitting bench, meandering through the garden. This gesture of movement and running characterizes the garden. The curving walls, the bench and the flowing water standing for movement strength and courage.
Incorporated into the design will be a New Media Centre which will feature a video message from Jully Black and a chance for garden and plant enthusiasts to connect and share with Jully their thoughts via twitter.
Despite Sander Design and Jully Black working in two different professional fields, we came to discover we shared the same values and goals in life and in business. As a result, we were able to express our joint values and goals through our interpretation of Jully's music.
Some 3D renderings...

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