Thursday, August 13, 2009

Proteau Residence

Proteau Residence

Small size urban Back Yard junction area
transforming our ugly duckling of a backyard into a gorgeous and pristine swan-like outdoor space.
in creating outdoor environments that allow homeowners to introduce a calming sense of tranquility into their spaces and at the same time, allows them to be at one with their natural environments
To create a contemporary landscape which is low maintenance, can serve as entertaining area and integrates the existing architecture.
A serie of rooms brings interest into the yard. A central oval open space breaks the rectangular shape of the property and serves as an entertaining area. The existing lawn was replaced by a gravel garden. Tall grasses, cedars, hydrangeas and ivy built the plant framework and require low maintenance.
  • The yard was completely overgrown with an invasive weed which had to be removed.
  • The yard was long and thin, boxy and linear and felt restricted and tight.
  • There needed to be a place for parking 1 car with out disturbing the flow of the design.
  • The yard is bound on one side by a lane way with a chain link perimeter fence which offered no privacy.
  • The garage at the back end of the property felt disconnected to the house.
  • The small mud room off the house to the rear of the yard also had no connection to the property.
  • The owner enjoys hosting large outdoor entertainment functions, but wanted a low maintenance backyard.
  • The owner wanted a minimal contemporary look that was relaxed, yet still had a simple sophistication.

  • The yard was completely overgrown with an invasive weed which had to be removed.
  • The yard was long and thin, boxy and linear and felt restricted and tight.
  • There needed to be a place for parking 1 car with out disturbing the flow of the design.
  • The yard is bound on one side by a lane way with a chain link perimeter fence which offered no privacy.
  • The garage at the back end of the property felt disconnected to the house.
  • The small mud room off the house to the rear of the yard also had no connection to the property.
  • The owner enjoys hosting large outdoor entertainment functions, but wanted a low maintenance backyard.
  • The owner wanted a minimal contemporary look that was relaxed, yet still had a simple sophistication.

 Interview by


Tell us about Sander Design?
quality outdoor architectural spaces that act as a lifestyle extension to the home, which includes a garden but not limited to planting alone. This is true for all year. For example, Winter views are just as important to the feel of the home and in enjoying the surroundings as any other time of the year even when the space isn't physically or actively being used.

The yard is more about texture and green verdant space than colour. The use of grey gravel, blue gray tumbled pavers for edging of the oval and perimeter border planting, plus the addition of four honey locusts at each end of the oval helped to create a contemporary mood with a pleasing sense of geometrical balance. Ornamental grasses around the perimeter of the oval, honey locusts and hydrangea perimeter planting adds a simple elegance to the contemporary minimal space.

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